Few days
just before August ends, I was so grateful to have attended and
witnessed such a hilarious and outspoken comedy brought about by Unspeakably Yours: The Underarm Monologues presented by Dove Deodorant.
It happened in a very private and classy Teatrino in Promenade
Greenhills, San Juan City. Why I was so grateful and totally mesmerized
with the said event? Because I am a woman and being a woman have
plenty of issues about an intimate part of my body that I believe every
ladies out there love to hate and hate to love, nothing else but our
underarms! I know I know, there are myriads of stories, pressing
problems that beset us from plucking, waxing and shaving the armpits to
to the darkest things that are unbecoming not to accept that are very
frustrating, like dark spots, chicken skin, rough patches and ingrown
Dove Deodorant's collaboration with Upstart Productions all of the
ladies and even gentlemen present that evening, were able to see and
heed the true-to-life anecdotes, thoughts and trivias about every
woman's best friend or worst-enemy. One can clearly observe the impact
of the underarm monologue to the viewers as majority if not all of the
crowd reacted to every sentences or witty remarks delivered by such
talented female artists. It talked about the reality that each woman
faces with all honesty and humor.
Just before the monologue/play officially started, the guests were given
ample time to relax and chat over sumptuous dinner prepared for them.
And red wines were served too! Nice :) My lady friends and I naturally
clinked glasses as if the gathering is ours, while contemplating the
anwer to the question flashed on the screen in from of the audience..."If your underarms could talk, what would they say to you?" This very question tackled a lot of instances that night, mostly gross but undeniably true!

Media people, Unilever bosses and representatives and guests were so engrossed with the monologue. Such a very ecstatic one that smartly mirrors the realities that each woman face regularly.
Ms. Czarina De Leon, Brand Manager of Unilever Dove Philippines congratulates the people behind the monologue and thanks everyone who made the performance possible including all the guests.
Through the successful play, Dove Deodorant wishes to advocate that women should embrace and love their underarms, first by being truly comfortable enough to talk about them and should naturally follow to taking time to care and look after them. Tat night was a simple celebration of real women and our view of beauty.
All beautiful people who were present
that wonderful and totally unique night were given a loot bag containing
a Forever 21 peach-colored chiffon blouse and of course Dove's premium deodorants such as roll-on, deo-spray and stick. Now I have more new set of Dove Ultimate White Deodorant because the one I've been using for a long time is Dove's Original Anti-Perspirant Deodorant.
Just so you guys know, the NEW Dove Ultimate White Deodorant has ¼ moisturizing cram, 2x licorice extract and Vitamin E & F that nourish beneath the skin surface to effectively whiten and smoothens the underarms. It also has Omega 6 that works deep within the epidermis to reduce melanin formation and give precision whitening. Dark skin cells are slowly lifted away, revealing whiter smoother underarm skin.
Some thoughts to ponder that I lifted from Dove's Press Release materials:
"Did you know that when you shave, 30% of what is shaved off is actually your skin?"
"Did you know that when you pluck, your underarms become more prone to ingrown hair?"
"Did you know that repeated waxing can expose new skin cells too soon leaving skin irritated, dull and dry?"
Dove Ultimate White is now available at supermarkets and groceries nationwide in four formats with the following suggested retail prices: 40 mL Roll-on PhP95, 40g Stick PhP170, 70mL mini deo-spray PhP115, and 169mL/100g PhP195.
you can have a cheaper remedy for your unsolved underarm problem that
you are unhappiest about with this latest innovation for underarm
skincare and whitening. Thanks to DOVE! ^_^
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