If you are the type who wants to sleep all day and party all night, then this place that I will be introducing would surely unleash your inner party animal. Located at the busy Tomas Morato in Quezon City which is also considered the heart of partying and grinding, the G.E.B Super Club is such another addition to the popular nightlife hub in the area. G.E.B stands for G.rand E.ye B.all Superclub where G.reat E.xperiences B.egins. Could also be synonymous to Gathering of Elite Bachelors/Bachelorettes! Nice isn't it??! Certainly a place to see and be seen! Exactly situated at 184 Tomas Morato beside BLISS and 7eleven and fronting Mang Inasal.

The crowd gets thick and goes wild as each passing hour. That scenario increased the party and playful vibe in us. Given its fresh interiors coupled with the hippiest and latest music for the party goers particularly the yuppies, this club truly brings great experiences. I particularly like the idea of the owners for using compact disks on the ceiling as it brings in more euphoria and energy inside the super club.
Cocktails. Cocktails. And more cocktails! It was a night of unending fun with friends and acquaintances.

G.E.B Super Club officially and successfully opened last November 30, 2012. On January 25th this year, the UNLEASHED party will take place at the newest disco hub in QC! So what are you waiting for? Experience clubbing now!
G.E.B Super Club
184 Tomas Morato , Quezon City
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